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Something Sinister is Rising... #shorts #clonewars #starwars

Which character becomes Darth Vader's apprentice in The Force Unleashed video game?

What is the name of the Gungan city in The Phantom Menace?

Forbidden Love in Star Wars

Who is the leader of the Gungan society in The Phantom Menace?

Anakin Skywalker's love in Star Wars

What is the name of the planet where the Clone Army was created?

Anakin and Padme's relationship in Star Wars

Who is Lando Calrissian's co pilot aboard the Millennium Falcon in Return of the Jedi?

What is the name of the moisture farm where Luke Skywalker was raised?

What is the designation of the stormtrooper who defects in The Force Awakens?

What gas is mined on Cloud City in The Empire Strikes Back?

Who was the Padawan of Jedi Master Plo Koon?

Samuel L Jackson's Star Wars experience

Who is Leia's adoptive father?

What species is Kit Fisto?

Samuel Jackson on his Star Wars Experience

Carrie Fisher on her first impressions of Star Wars

What is the name of the planet destroyed by the Death Star in A New Hope?

Carrie Fisher on her role as Princess Leia

What is the name of Anakin Skywalker's podracing rival in The Phantom Menace?

Diego Luna on Andor

How Hayden Christensen got into Star Wars

Which Sith Lord Trains Darth Sidious Before he Becomes Emperor?