Все публикации

Acoma Indians of New Mexico's Ancient Creation Myth!! - NEW & INCREDIBLE with Visuals - 1932 Article

Conical Roofs of AlberoBello, Italy - Same Construction as 'Kilns' found by Jon Levi in Western US?!

JUSTICE NOW! 1800s PEKING Corrupt Prime Ministers Crimes are Dealt With, Tartarian-Style! USA = Next

SAVE the INNOCENT from Viewing EVIL - CRUCIAL IMPORTANCE! Protect Innocence & Purity at all Costs!

Masterful Ancient JAIN Architecture & ARTS - Best of the Realm in RAJASTHAN - Envisioning the PRIME!

The COMPASS of TARTARIA - Possible Origins in the Land Beyond the Poles - Pointing Towards TRUTH..

TARTARIAN TALES 90 - Origins of Modern 'Magic' & The Most Important BOOK of the REALM!! must find it

CALL for the UNIVERSALITY of ART - ART is For EVERYONE! We Must FREE it From Liberal/Commie Control!

TEA is for TARTARIA - 5 Unique 1900s Articles Interconnected by the KHAN! Unique Theories & Thoughts

in 1845 - THIS was the Location of the MAGNETIC POLES! what changed? what did they discover? Where?!


Fight The REAL Enemy (of the People) - Patriot POWER Music w/SineadOConnor + SHiNo! To End ALL WARS!

The Great Awakening -The Perfect AI Art Prompt -Beautiful Visions of Our Collective Destiny on eARTh

Wattear Fahls - (down the firmament) Celestial Power Music with Beautifully Psychedelic AI Visions !

ARTiSTORIES - Ep. 1 - Discovering DALi and UNLOCKING the infinite Potential of ART! - Story by diNo

Ancient Weather Generators of the DEAD SEA, Salted by Death & Destruction of the Old World.. THEORY!

Thoughts & Theories - 4 Articles & The past OLD WORLD RESET - Interconnected Aspects of Mystery!!

MASSA-CHEAT-SETTS - Every Election Since Clinton in 1996 = CORRUPT! A Theory based on Common Sense..

The Slow Release of a GREEN Antarctica! a Nightmare for Climate Cultists, Great 4 Everyone Else :)

1899 Wind Cave of the Black Hills, South Dakota - 100 miles long, 3000 chambers & a Sketchy Gov't!

YOUNG AMERICA - 1840s Article speaking of the Early Republic and Our Duty to Protect Our Land NOW!!!

The Liberty TREE of Washington/Jerusalem w/Napoleon?! A New Theory emerges from a 1799 Article! WOW!

Shattered Remains of OLD WORLD BOSTON, MA - strewn everywhere in and around the city.. NUREMBEGA?!

Ancient British WARPIGS from Beyond the Realm?? 1781 Article lists Massive Crimes Against Humanity!!