Все публикации

To Get Your Kid Out of the Trans Cult, Make a Plan

The Importance of Being Earnest (If You're A Husband)

Sometimes You Just Need to Shut-Up

You Can Highlight Their Cognitive Dissonances - But Kindly

You Can Reason With Someone Trapped By Transgender Ideology | Maria Keffler

Help the Cult Trapped Kid Think, and then Step Back

Don't Pwn The Victim; Ask Questions*

Transgender Ideology and Hyper Spirituality

Stop Playing Defense, Go On Offense

Getting Out of the Transgender Cult | Maria Keffler on the Dr. J Show

Getting Out of the Transgender Cult | Maria Keffler on the Dr. J Show ep. 251

Getting Out of the Transgender Cult | Maria Keffler on the Dr. J Show

Is Marriage Just for the Parents?

Husband and Wife Are Complimentary

Gender Ideology Was Maybe A Subject for 7 or 8 videos

Step Families and Same Sex Families Don't Help Kids As Much As Opposite Sex, Married, Biological

Laws Should Prioritize Biological Parent-Child Bond

Be His Fan, Follower, and Finisher | Katy Faust on The Dr. J Show

Don't Nag Him. He Just Needs a Little Finish Work

My Husband's Stability Let Me Grow

Social Media Spreads Transgender Mind Virus

Virginia is a Proving Ground for Trans Experiments from the NEA

No-Fault Divorce Changes Marital Calculi

THOUSANDS of Trans Kids in a District of 28k?