Все публикации

The Tale of Finn and Hnaef--Conclusion

Beowulf Reports to His King

Wiglaf Rebukes Beowulf's Cowardly Retainers

Hrothgar Thanks Beowulf

Beowulf and Hrothgar's Sentry

Wealhtheow's Gifts to Beowulf

Beowulf and His Men Wait for Grendel in the Hall

Beowulf's Reward--The Coming of the Dragon

The Dragon's Revenge

Grendel's Persecution of the Danes

Hrothgar Counsels Beowulf

Beowulf Goes Home

The Journey to the Monsters' Lair

Beowulf and Hrothgar

Beowulf's Funeral

Beowulf and Hrothgar Say Goodbye

Hrothgar Rewards Grendel

Entertainment at the Feast: The Tale of Finn and Hnaef

Beowulf Arrives at the Dragon's Mound

Beowulf's Victory

The Attack By Grendel's Mother

Scyld Scefing

Beowulf and Grendel Fight

Beowulf'f Version of the Feat and Hrothgar's Reaction