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What’s the most unexpected thing some on this on a date that made you instantly like them?

What’s the craziest reason someone got suspended from school?

What is causing your friend to remain single that you don’t have the heart to tell them?

Retail workers, what’s the best way you’ve dealt with an entitled customer?

What made you think “I’m never visiting again” after being in someone’s home?

What’s something people romanticize but is actually incredibly tough in reality?

What advice should you not have ignored?

What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever been accused of?

What’s the smallest lie you’ve ever told that had the biggest consequences?

Have you ever refused to date someone because of their family?

What’s something a stranger has done for you that you’ll never forget?

What is the funniest lie to tell kids?

What’s the male equivalent of “why do women’s clothes not come with pockets?”

What is the most unexplainable thing that ever happened to you?

What incident restored you faith in humanity?

What highly illegal thing took place at your school?

What seems to be overpriced but is actually worth it?

What’s the most devious thing you did as a child?

What’s the most savage but unique insult you’ve heard of?

Shy people, what is your worst experience?

Waiters who grate cheese, how long did you grate?

What would women dislike most if they became men?

[FULL STORY] What is true evil?

What is true evil?