Все публикации

Tecoma Stans Gold Stars - Yellow Bells

Florida Garden Small Harvest

How was I able to start a new Florida garden after moving?

Different types of pruning of my grapevines in Florida.

Planting caladium. Also what's next for the garden?

Harvesting Bananas

A new Central Florida Food Forest?

Different Tea plants I grow in my central Florida garden.

Growing Luffa Sponge

A few of my Perennials in Central Florida garden update

Florida Everglades tomato central Florida garden zone 9b

My lilly blooming in the pond WHITE LOTUS Nymphaea Ampla

Walking Perennial Onion in central Florida vegetable garden

How I've trained a few of my climbing plants.

Growing horseradish a perennial vegetable in Central Florida garden.

Spring harvest 3/27/18 central Florida vegetable garden.

Broccoli harvesting in central Florida garden.

Harvesting radishes and dill in the central Florida garden. Made dill pickles from fresh dill.

Florida asparagus planting update. Feb.18 2018 central Florida short garden tour. Zone 9b gardening

Raised beds & amending Florida soil, planting asparagus , winter gardening central Florida zone 9b

Onion bulb planting , other winter crops ,and Jan. 2018 frost FL zone 9b food Forest trees.

Get different pepper / chili varieties for your garden.Update on Winter squash hugelkultur zone 9

Experimentation hugelkultur? Moringa tree update... Central Florida vegetable garden and food Forest

Moringa oleifera tree it's safe and more bushy !! Florida gardening zone 9b