Все публикации

Evolving beyond copper ⚫ The storyline behind HALCOR’s new tagline

#HalcorAcademy ‣Strategic Marketing for Companies in Heavy Industry.

Our holiday video - When we come together great things happen

Project: Press Upgrade. Maximizing our efficiency.

#Halcor - Tree planting in Oinofyta with We4all

Halcor' s Holiday Video

The Energy Crisis: Interview of Panos Lolos at ZDF

Halcor is our People - Women of Halcor

2ο Business Finance in Action - Σπύρος Κοκκόλης CFO, ElvalHalcor S.A.

Internship program: Vio-Michanikoi Orizontes (Industrial Horizons)

#HalcorEdu Lecture Series: 'Production process of copper tubes & alloys'

Νίκος Μαρινάκης - Διευθυντής Χυτηρίου: «Χαλκός και Κράματα Χαλκού Δευτερογενής Μεταλλουργία»

#HalcorTeam running in the 38th Athens Marathon, The Authentic.

ΕΛΒΑΛΧΑΛΚΟΡ - Η εξαγωγική δύναμη

1st Agile Finance Conference: Speech by Mr Spyros Kokkolis CFO at ELVALHALCOR S.A

About Halcor - corporate video

Διάκριση της ElvalHalcor στα «Diamonds of the Greek Economy Awards 2021»

ElvalHalcor S.A. on Sustainability

ο κ. Konstantinos Christodoulopoulos Μηχανικός Παραγωγής της HALCOR

Panos Lolos at Smart Factory Conference 2021

Halcor Succcess Story SAP

'International Negotiations, learn from the experts' organized by SEV

HALCOR Covid 19 actions