Все публикации

Kirsten Wickelgren: An enriched excess intersection formula

Joseph Ayoub: Anabelian representation of the motivic Galois group

Charanya Ravi: Milnor excision for K-theory of stacks

Wieslawa Niziol: Hodge Theory of p-adic varieties

Marc Levine: Atiyah-Bott localization in equivariant Witt-cohomology

Adrien Dubouloz: Stable A1-homotopy at infinity

Oliver Röndigs: Endomorphisms of the projective plane

Baptiste Calmes: Hermitian K-theory of quadratic functors and Karoubi periodicity

Giuseppe Ancona: The standard conjecture of Hodge type for abelian fourfolds

Luca Barbieri Viale: Theoretical motives revisited and developed

Fabio Tanania: The isotropic stable motivic homotopy category

Alberto Merici: Connectivity and purity of logarithmic motives

Michael Temkin: Logarithmic resolution of singularities

Lorenzo Mantovani: On the Chow-Witt ring of M_{1,1}

Ran Azouri: Motivic nearby cycles and quadratic conductor formulas

Elden Elmanto: Motivic topology and purity for torsors

Stephen McKean: Multivariate Bezoutians and A1-degrees

Andrei Druzhinin: Strict A1-invariance over the integers. (jt.w. H. Kolderup and P. A. Østvær)

Hana Jia Kang: Motivic Chow t-structure & computational tools for the R-motivic homotopy groups

Alexander Schmidt: Tame cohomology of schemes and adic spaces (jt.w. K. Hübner)

Niels Feld: Milnor-Witt homotopy sheaves and Morel generalized transfers

Mattia Talpo: Kummer-étale additive invariants of log schemes

Matthew Morrow: Some recent developments in p-adic motivic cohomology (Part 3)

Matthew Morrow: Some recent developments in p-adic motivic cohomology (Part 2)