Все публикации

Why Bishops are BETTER than Knights

Never BLUNDER this Endgame Again!

TRIPLE Brilliant Sacrifice!!

Would YOU be MAD if you're opponent found this?

Can YOU Win this SIMPLE Endgame?

Would YOU Find the Staircase?

Stopping the Triple P.P. (passed pawns)

Can YOU Find The DOUBLE Royal Fork?

Can YOU Trick Black? ☃️

Can YOU Pin the King DOWN?

Can YOU Draw This? (Pull out method)

Do YOU Think You Could Find This Trick??

Who Will Come FASTER For the King? 🤨

Do YOU Know How to WIN this Simple Endgame??

Coming into Black's Defense (He Can't Stop Us!!)

Can you ESCAPE the Checks??

Smashing the Black King! 👊

Pinning down Kings and Mating them! 😭

Can you ESCAPE the Pawn Blockade?

Every Pawn Comes for the King! 😑

Forcing White to Come for Everything! 🤤

Smashing the King in the Corner!! 🥊

Can you stop black from coming

Triangulating the Endgame! 📐 (big cheese gambit)