Все публикации

Adi Da Samraj: Growing Up in Adidam

Testimonies from Adi Da's Devotees - Part 1

Adi Da Samraj: 'My Teaching is a Direct Transmission of Me' (short version)

Adi Da Samraj: The Appearance of the Divine Avatar

Adi Da Samraj: 'How Can I Stop Being Righteous?' (a conversation with a young devotee)

Adi Da Samraj: You Become What You Meditate On ( excerpt from the film Conscious Light: )

Sacred Sighting of Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Adi Da Samraj: This Place Is Not—Nor Will It Ever Be—a Utopia (shorter version)

Adi Da Samraj: The Relationship With Spiritual Master Makes Surrender Possible

Adi Da Samraj: 'There Is No One To Surrender'

Adi Da Samraj: True Surrender Is A Koan

Adi Da Samraj: Freedom Is The Only Law

Adi Da Samraj' 'I Am Your Real State'

Adi Da Quotes : The True Food that Sustains Us

Adi Da Samraj: Live In The Fire and Be Purified

Adi Da Samraj—There Is No Light Without Fire

Adi Da Samraj: Have You Learned To Feel Perfectly?

Adi Da Samraj: You Do Not See The Room As It Is!

Adi Da Samraj: Adidam Is Not 'Religious'

Adi Da Samraj: The Pattern Becomes Obsolete

Adi Da Samraj: The Guru is the Constant Stability Admist the Highs & Lows of Life

Conscious Light: A Documentary Film on the Life & Work of Adi Da Samraj

Sacred Sighting of Adi Da Samraj

Adi Da Samraj: ' Is an ant an ego?'