Все публикации

Developing high-performance Node.js addons with Rust and NAPI-RS - Singapore OSS Meetup

Build your own custom ChatGPT style doc search with Deno Fresh, OpenAI, and Supabase - SG OSS Meetup

Bringing ChatGPT to vintage MS-DOS computers - JuniorDevSG

Teardown of a HT107E socket tester - Hackware v7.4

Unifying Your Security Data with Amazon Security Lake and OCSF - AWS User Group Singapore

Building an Enterprise Grade Multi Account AWS Environment - AWS User Group Singapore

Java is Very Fast, If You Don't Create Too Many Objects - Singapore Java User Group

Let’s learn about AWS Cloud WAN - AWS User Group Singapore

CI/CD for Application Deployment in Multiple Regions/Accounts with AWS ECS - Built with Terraform

Create a Python BI web application with a few clicks - Singapore Python User Group

Karpenter: The EKS Cluster Autoscaling where pod requirements matter - AWS Meetup

Infrastructure as Code and CI/CD in Practice with AWS CDK : AWS Meetup ( In person ) - Jun 2022

Building food ordering chatbot with Amazon Lex by KK: AWS Meetup ( In person ) - Jun 2022

Real-Time Scalable Processing with Hazelcast and Kafka - Singapore Java User Group

Aviation Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) Theory and Teardown - Hackware v6.7

OpenJDK 17: Get Ready for the Next LTS Java

Java Release with JReleaser and JVM Optimisation

Build a Facebook Bot with the Vonage Messages API and Node.js - JuniorDevSG

SingaporeJS - Introduction to Low-Code with NodeRED

Elm: Introduction to a new popular programming language - TechSavvy

GraalVM night! - Singapore Java User Group

Under USD 20 Xilinx Zynq Linux FPGA Board - Hackware v6.5

GraphQL Workshop - Tech Savvy

Know Your Worth - half a year of crawling jobs in Singapore - JuniorDevSG