Все публикации

Teachers day celebration 2023 video

Role of QSAR in Drug Designing by Prof. Onkar Prasad, Physics Department, Lucknow University

Introduction to Nuclear Physics by Prof. Onkar Prasad, Physics Department, Lucknow University

Integrated Circuits Part 2 by Leena Sinha, Physics Department, Lucknow University

Integrated Circuits Part 1 by Prof. Leena Sinha, Physics Department, Lucknow

Improved model for intrinsic semiconductor

Amorphous semiconductor by Prof Manisha Gupta , Department of Physics, University of Lucknow

Extrinsic semiconductor Part II - Prof Manisha Gupta, Department of Physics, University of Lucknow

Extrinsic semiconductor by Prof Manisha Gupta , Department of Physics, University of Lucknow

Introduction to extrinsic semiconductor- Prof Manisha Gupta, Physics Department, Lucknow University

Laser Lecture 11 Optical cavity Resonator by Prof NK Pandey, Physics Department, Lucknow University

Laser Lecture 13 Effect of Diffraction and Reflection in a Resonator

Laser Lecture 12 Modes of a Rectangular Cavity Resonator by Prof. NK Pandey, Lucknow University

Laser Lecture 14 Modes of a Confocal Optical Resonator System by Prof. NK Pandey, Lucknow University

Revisiting the Concept of Phase in Wave Motion by Prof. NK Pandey, Phys Dept, Lucknow University

Laser Lecture 15 General Spherical Resonator by Prof NK Pandey, Physics Dept, Lucknow University

Wave Motion Lecture 9 Stationary Waves in Strings

Wave Motion Lecture 10 Stationary Waves in Pipes by Prof. NK Pandey, Physics De

Wave Motion Lecture 8 Beats in Sound Waves - Prof NK Pandey, Physics Department, Lucknow University

Wave Motion Lecture 6 The Superposition Principle by Prof NK Pandey, Phys Dept, Lucknow University

Wave Motion Lecture 5- Wavefront and Intensity of a wave by Prof. NK Pandey,, Lucknow University

Wave Motion Lecture 4 The Nature of Waves by Prof. NK Pandey, Physics Department, Lucknow University

Wave Motion Lecture 3 Plane Progressive Wave-Prof. NK Pandey, Physics Department, Lucknow University

Wave Motion Lecture 2 Phase of a Particle by Prof NK Pandey, Physics Department, Lucknow University