Все публикации

This Beluga Whale Is Smarter Than Some Humans #shortsfeed #belugawhales

Why Do Beluga Whales Love To Eat Ice?

The Blobfish Is NOT Ugly

The Fish Tongue Parasite

The Deadly Sea Angels

The Zombie Salmon

Why Are Dolphins Turning Pink?

What Are These Things That Stick To The Whales Body? #shorts

This DolphinFish Can JUMP To Catch A Small Fish That Fly 1000 Feet

This Fish Is Older Than Your Grandma!

Saving A Shark Stranded On Shore

Are Octopuses Actually Alien?

Harp Seal | The Bad Mums Of The Animal Kingdom

Why Are Sharks Afraid Of Dolphins?

Axolotl | The Cutest and Most Exotic Animal In The World

Why You Should Never Touch The Blue Sea Dragon

Why You Should Never Touch A JellyFish

Sea Snake | One Of The Most Dangerous Ocean Creatures In The World

Why No Aquarium Has A Great White Shark

The Beluga Whale That Sounds Like Human

This NASA Experiment On Dolphins Gone Wrong...

This Diver's Been Playing With Wild Seals For 20 Years

This Hawaiian Cat Loves Surfing With His Parents

2 Beluga Whales Finally Got Their Freedom After 10 Years!!