Все публикации

How to embed all fonts in PDF Latex documents using Adobe print

Lagrange Multipliers with equality and inequality constraints (KKT conditions)

Examples about Simplex Method (Maximize and Minimize) - Optimization

How to write an algorithm in latex (2 methods)

Thevenin's theorem - Example

Superposition Theorem - 3 Examples

How to place figures and tables in the center of the page in a two-column documents using Latex

Nodal Analysis - 4 Examples

Mesh Current Analysis - 4 Examples + supermesh method

How to write a one-column abstract in a two-column document using latex

How to draw a table using latex

Digital Counters Design Using Flip-Flops: T, S-R, J-K, D

How to write an IEEE conference paper in Latex

log2 (base 2 logarithm) using calculator

How to write IEEE bibliography (References) in Latex

How to draw a flow chart in Latex

How to produce figures by Microsoft Visio and use them in Latex

How to produce MATLAB plots (.eps files) and use them in Latex

Power and voltage units conversion dB, dBm, Watt, milliwatt, Volt and dBV

Gauss-Seidel Method Using MATLAB

Fixed point iteration method (to find the root of the equation) using MATLAB

Four Variable Karnaugh Map (K map)

Design of decoders and encoders

Conditional and unconditional instructions in assembly language (8086 emulator)