Все публикации

Choo-Choo Kitty loves belly rubs

Piper making biscuits on the new comfy bed

Ava the Rosifrons Conure with her kitty cat friends

Nova’s first walk in the yard

One year ago today, Choo-Choo Kitty became a mommy

Piper snuggled close to her mommy, Choo-Choo Kitty

Window seat cuddles

A new toy for the kitty cats

Hermie the possum returns

Lazy Sunday for kitty cats

Daytime possum visit

Nova grooms her mommy

Piper in the holy tunnel

Choo-Choo Kitty tries to eat Nova’s head during grooming

Gibson the Cockatiel taking a small shower

Friday night fun time

Choo-Choo Kitty watching Piper play

Piper makes a hole in the top of the box

Choo-Choo Kitty’s wreath

Choo-Choo Kitty & Nova….who will win the spot!

Piper goes inside the box

Choo-Choo Kitty is a happy cat

Nova & Piper celebrating New Year’s Day 2025

Nova loves the Wonder Wheel!