Все публикации

Shovel Knight is a GEM #shovelknight #shakespeare #nintendo

Don’t buy this game at FULL price #sonic #shakespeare #nintendo

Dair Loops (The Jigglypuff Rap)

Smash Bros but it’s Shakespearean #smashbros #shakespeare #nintendo

SMT V on Switch is Mid. #shinmegamitensei #shakespeare #nintendo

Where did the Mii’s go??? #switchsports #shakespeare #nintendo

We Need More Parody Games #starwars #shakespeare #nintendo

Hopefully this works. #theherd #messagetomysubs #subscribersonly

This game was cute, but too easy! #kirby #shakespeare #nintendo

Pokemon did something RIGHT! #gamereviews #shakespeare #nintendo

These games were WAYYY too difficult! #disney #shakespeare #nintendo

They couldn’t optimise it for the switch #assassinscreed #shakespeare #nintendo

Do this before your next Smash Tourney #smashbros #comedy #nintendoswitch

they don’t Star War like they used to #starwars #shakespeare #nintendo

this game is ALL LUCK, and I love it. #marioparty #shakespeare #nintendo

Nintendo went HARD with this game #metroid #shakespeare #nintendo

The new MCU? #lego #shakespeare #nintendo

Worst Smash Bros Knock Off EVER ! #nintendo #shakespeare #smashultimate

Dragon Ball Z retold for the GAZILLIONTH time #dragonball #shakespeare #nintendo

This game is CHAOS! #warioware #shakespeare #nintendo

Colours and Speed #sonic #shakespeare #nintendo

Pondering Skyward Sword at Twilight #zelda #shakespeare #Nintendo

when your housemate won’t leave the toilet #shorts #comedy #funny

Pro Skater 1+2 Was A Radical Port #tonyhawk #shakespeare #nintendo