Все публикации

Lecture 13 05 Hyperbolic PDEs

Lecture 13 03 Elliptic PDEs PRADI

Lecture 13 04 Parabolic PDEs

Lecture 13 02 Elliptic PDEs - Finite difference method

Lecture 13 01 - Partial Differential Equations

Lecture 12 02 - Matrix Eigenvalue Problems - Tridiagonalization of symmetric matrices

Lecture 12 03 - Matrix Eigenvalue Problems - QR factorization

Lecture 12 01 - Matrix Eigenvalue Problems

CBE 330 11 05 - Colocation

CBE 330 11 04 - Solving BVPs using MATLAB BVP4c

CBE 330 11 03 - Finite-difference method

CBE 330 11 02 - The Shooting method

CBE 330 11 01- Intro to BVPs

CBE 330 09 09 - Comparing Matlab ODE solvers

CBE 330 09 08 - ODE solvers in Matlab

CBE 330 09 07 - IVPs as systems of ODEs and higher-order ODES

CBE 330 09 06 - Predictor-corrector methods

CBE 330 09 05 - Multistep methods

CBE 330 09 04 - higher-order RK methods

CBE 330 09 03 - Runge-Kutta methods

CBE 330 09 02 - Euler's method and Taylor methods

CBE 330 09 01 - Introduction to initial-value problems

CBE 330 08 06 - Gaussian Quadrature

CBE 330 08 04 - Numerical integration