Все публикации

Evaluating Gemini 1.5: Tackling Complex Time-Series Fall Detection with Long Contexts

Machine Learning vs Deep Learning: Explained with a Simple Linear Regression Example!

Addressing AI Concerns: Separating Facts from Fears

Visual Quality Assessment of Multimedia Based on Machine Learning

How to Extract Bottleneck Features from Pretrained Networks VGG16, Resnet50 and Xception - Python

How to Generate 32x32 Patches from A Grayscale Image - Python

Create Augmented Data Using Albumentations Library in Python

Optical Flow Maps Using OpenCV in Python

Curve Fitting Plots in Python

Data Analysis Using Violin Plots and Bar Plots of Seaborn Library - Python

Classification Evaluation Metrics of Sklearn: AUC-ROC, Confusion Metrix and Classification Report

Regression or Classification - An Experiment on MNIST Dataset – Python | Part 01

GridSearchCV - Tune Hyperparameters in Classification on MNIST Dataset – Python | Part 02

Prepare Features and Save in CSV File – Python | Part 01

Prepare Features and Save in CSV File – Python | Part 02

Train a Deep Autoencoder Network on MNIST dataset in Keras and Record duration of Training - Python

Save a trained model using ModelCheckpoint in Keras - Python

Write a Deep Autoencoder Network in Keras - Python

Read MNIST Images Based on Wave and Zigzag Orders in Python

Load and Read MNIST Images in Python

Access an array in zig-zag order and write the output in .mat file in Python

Access an array in wave order and write the output in .mat file in Python

How to visualize output filters from a pretrained model VGG16 in Keras

How to convert input shapes between different layers in Keras - Python