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Current Affair update November 2020

What has teeth but cannot bite?

1,3,5,2,61,832,236,94,0129,74,13 What comes next?

Current Affairs Quiz – January 2021

Old, I never age; Still, I never rest; alone I weep, what am I?

What has no arms, no legs, and no limbs at all, but can still carry things?

I am an object, I have four children and sixteen grandchildren. What am I?

What has a head and a tail but nobody?

Almost Nobody Can Solve This Tricky Riddle

What can fly but doesn't have wings, what can cry but doesn't have eyes?

Riddles you can only solve if you're really smart

6 Riddles you can only solve if you're really smart


6 Riddles you can only solve if you're really smart

Riddles you can only solve if you're really smart

Current Affair update 2020-21

I start small then get big. I twist and turn all around. What am I?

If I say that I will give you $100,000 tomorrow, when will you get it?

I am hard on top, soft at the bottom. What am I?

What has hands but cannot clap?

I'm like a dog with the tail that wags and all but am not a dog. What am I?

Fun Riddles for Adults to Challenge the Mind

Bob is 19 years old. Fred is 33. How old is May?

6 brainteasers and riddles only smart people can solve.