Все публикации

Varus TOP casually 1v2

How to lose game at lvl 1 in Master

Kayle and wukong cleaning up after the team

The top and jungle chemistry

Outplaying enemy top and jungler

huge comeback teamfight

Supports that roams are the best players

Front line kayle

insanly close 1 v 1 between twitch streamers

Diving mundo with Exhust

kayle 1v1 sejunai with ignite (better then fudge)

Trundle healing like an aatrox bug?

How master players run it down

Udyr broken?

This Udyr player was SUS

That illaio dmg was somthing

YOU cant catch the kayle

Famous last words before disaster

Akali players and thier huge ego to get solo kills

Lane kingdom kayle 1v2

EUW Diamond players try to dive kayle

Renta with game saving 5 MAN ULT

You cant stop the Snip Snip

0/2 Aatrox No problem I still can 1 v2