Все публикации

Partial fractions@maths naresh eclass

Problem on partial fractions@maths naresh eclass

Partial factions@maths naresh eclass

Pair of straight lines@maths naresh eclass

proof of the lines represented an equilateral triangle@maths naresh eclass

problems on partial fractions@maths naresh eclass

problems on partial fractions@maths naresh eclass

III Bsc Maths sem-5 Paper-7B@maths naresh eclass

III Bsc Maths sem-5 Paper 7B@maths naresh eclass

pair of straight lines in telugu@maths naresh eclass

Inter 1st Year Maths 1B@maths naresh eclass

Integration@maths naresh eclass

proof of ax²+2hxy+by²+2gx+2fy+c=0 represents a pair of straight lines@maths naresh eclass

Eigen roots and eigen values of matrix@maths naresh eclass

Eigen roots and vectors of matrix in telugu@maths naresh eclass

Inter 2nd Year Maths 2B Integration@maths naresh eclass

Inverse of the matrix by using cayley hamilton theorem in telugu@maths naresh eclass

Problem on cayley hamilton theorem in telugu@ maths naresh eclass

B-tech Maths M1@maths naresh eclass

Inverse of the matrix by using gauss jordan method in telugu@maths naresh eclass

Inverse of matrix by using gauss jordan method in telugu@maths naresh eclas

3rd Bsc Maths Paper-7B Integral transforms with applications@maths naresh eclass

B-tech Maths M1@maths naresh eclass

find the ratio the straight line divides the join of the points@maths naresh eclass