Все публикации

GAVIN ORTLUND'S VIEWERS ARE NUTS. #christianculture #apologetics #popefrancis

Pope says we're fundamentally good. Can't believe the response. #christianculture #apologetics


What Gospel Simplicity is Overlooking: A Response to 'Is Protestantism the Default?'

Venerating Icons is Worshipping an Idol! PROOF OF DEMONS (A Discourse About Nothing Ep 14)

A Direct Question to Gavin Ortlund on Icon Veneration (Discourse About Nothing Ep 14.5)

Eucharistic Ecclesiology and the Meaning of 'Catholic Church' w/ Fr Laurent Cleenewerck (DaN, Ep 11)

Orthodox Philosopher Owns Protestant Youtubers IN REAL LIFE! OMG! (Discourse about Nothing Ep. 10)

symbolic logic t th (11/30)

logic and Crit TTH (11/18) inquiry pt3

symbolic logic 11/18 (practice with 8.6)

Logic and Crit T TH 11/16 (intro to inquiry pt 2)

logic and critical thinking TTH 11/11 (intro to Inquiry pt1)

Crit Thinking MWF 130-220 11/8 (Intro to Inquiry)

A Discourse About Nothing (Ep 9): An Inferential Gap? Prodding Some Christian Youtubers (Pt. 1)

logic and Crit 11/2 (7.4 practice)

symbolic logic 11/2 (predicate logic basic proofs)

logic and Crit 10/28 (intro to 7.4)

symbolic logic 10/28/21 (predicate logic translations and proofs)

Logic and critical thinking 10/21 (practice with 7.3)

Symbolic logic 10/21 (intro to predicate logic)

Crit thinking 10/19 (7.3, rule set 3, practice)

symbolic logic 10/19 (indirect proofs, review)

Logic and Crit (10/14) (7.2)