Все публикации

State Elimination problem - Example3 Converting Finite Automata into Regular Expression.

State Elimination problem - Example2 Converting Finite Automata into Regular Expression.

State Elimination problem - Example1 Converting Finite Automata into Regular Expression.

State Elimination Technique - Rules(Converting Finite Automata into Regular Expression)

Recursive and Recursively Enumerable Languages in Turing Machine

Properties of Recursive Languages

Designing of an Universal Turing Machine(UTM)

Pumping Lemma on CFL for L = {a^nb^nc^n } where n is greater than or equal to zero is not CFL

Design a Turing Machine to reverse a given string f(w)=w^R

Design a Turing Machine that replaces all occurrences of 111 by 101 from sequences of 0's and 1's

Design a Turing Machine for Even and Odd length palindrome

Design a Turing Machine that can compute proper subtraction that is m-n

Design a Turing Machine for the addition operation f(m,n)=m+n

Construction of Turing Machine for the language L = {0^n1^n}

Convert the given Push Down Automata into Context Free Grammar - Clear Solution.

Construct a Push Down Automata for the language L={a^3nb^n}

Converting Context Free Grammar into GNF Rules and Clear Example Problem.

Convert the given context free grammar into push down automata

Construct a Deterministic Push Down Automata(DPDA) for Palindrome or L={wcw^R / w =(0,1)*}

Construct a Push Down Automata for the language L= {a^3n b^n} where n is greater than or equal to 1.

Convert the given grammar(CFG) into CNF .

Construct a Push Down Automata for the language L= {0^n 1^n} n greater than or equal to 1.

Conversion of Finite Automata into Regular Expression

Pumping Lemma For Regular Language