Все публикации

The Legend of Faust

The tale of the Jorōgumo

Pendle Witch Trials

Harry Potter - The Real Lore of the Boggart

I Bet That you Didn't Know This About Voltaire!

The Unluckiest Woman in History

What Are The Largest Pre-Industrialization Armys Ever Assembled?

The Man Who Fought with a Longbow in World War II: The Amazing Story of Jack Churchill

The Man Who Took a Town by Himself - Léo Major

The Man who tired to summon God

What made Theodore Roosevelt the GOAT?

Ada Lovelace - The original computer nerd

Abraham Lincoln was a big Hypochondriac

Weird Inventions: The Urban Baby Cage

The worst jobs in history - The Sin Eater

The worst jobs in history - The Plague Burier

The worst jobs in history - the Pure Finder

The worst jobs in history - The Tosher

The worst job in history - The Whipping boy

The worst job in history - The groom of the stool

Atlas - The Titan Who Holds the World

The Greek Titans

The Greek Pantheon: Demeter

The Greek Pantheon: Artemis