Все публикации

Kapsejladsen 2023: 40 minutters cutdown

Cryogenic Electron Microscopy - A revolution in imaging of the smallest components of life

Quantum Science Colloquium - Roee Ozeri, Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot, Israel

Vejledning på dine præmisser

Professor Mette Løvschal modtager Victor Albeck-prisen 2023

On MatchPoints23 with CEO Ulrik Haagerup, Constructive Institute

3 MT: Danish youngsters' understanding of sexual consent in an alcohol intoxication context

3 Minute Thesis: Safe water - Smart forever chemicals degradation

3 Minute Thesis: Making mayonnaise – Collaborations between corporations and startups

3 Minute Thesis: Provably Fraud-Proof Online Marketplaces

3 Minute Thesis: Digging into the blues: Mind the gap revisited

3 Minute Thesis: Surviving cancer – is it all that matters?

3 Minute Thesis: Pictures of soils for more sustainable agriculture

Drøm vs. virkelighed

Drøm vs. virkelighed

Drøm vs. virkelighed

Sådan slipper vi af med PFAS

Rundvisning på Klinisk tandteknik


Grønne retter spirer på AU

Om Datavidenskab på Aarhus Universitet

Tour Video for International students – The Department of Mathematics

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Studierejsen 4 (1:3): Så er det bare i gang