Все публикации

Morning walk around the Four Seasons Resort in Anguilla

Crazy Lauren goes Night Swimming fully Clothed

Duke in the fields

IBerostar Selection Cancun pool area tour

Over Macho Grande?

Sloan and Don in a great argument.

Brooke is getting big.

Lauren on the water slide. She is a real sliding pro.

The bobs fix the glitch with Milton's pay check

The Royal Hideaway Playacar

Sledding with Lauren today.

My girls dance

Lauren's graduation from kindergarten 1

The little goose family

Lauren riding her bike

Lauren off training wheels

Lauren learning to ride without training wheels.

Lauren sledding - winter 2012

Me and Brooke at McDonalds

Lauren's first day of school.

Sisters with sisters

Hanging on sunday with Lauren and Brooke

Brooke with her new walking toy