Все публикации

Junior Doctor: Guess the Imaging!

Junior Doctor Guess the Diagnosis!

Can you answer these Qs faster than a Junior Doctor?

NHS Junior Doctor Q&A

Some patients in the Hospital🤪

New Foundation Year 1 Doctors QUICK Mandatory Horus Portfolio Guide

What is the #HelloMyNameIsBadge?

New NHS Uniform Coming

Why are surgeons in the UK not called Doctor?

I made it onto BBC news

Can you pick up extra shifts as a newly qualified doctor?

Food in the Doctors' Mess

Responding to Daily Mail hate comments about me

New NHS Doctors being sent to random places

Applying for Holidays as Junior Doctors

Junior Doctors officially having a name change??

How much did my Australia Medical School Elective Cost? VLOG Week 2

How much money do GPs make?💰

How doctors expect you to react😂

How many hours I worked this week as a doctor

Night at the Museum £100,000 Party

From one shift to another💪🏽 #nhs #doctor #juniordoctor

Realities of a 13 Hour New Year's Eve Night Shift // NHS Junior Doctor

🫡 The 12.5 hour doctor shifts #doctor #nhs #doctor #nhs #juniordocpay #juniordoctor