Все публикации

The Sixth Seal Ends the World (Rev 6:12-17)

Dead Christians Pray Against Their Enemies? (Imprecatory Prayer in the Book of Revelation)

The Bible Suggests There May Be Painful Memories in the Afterlife (Rev 6:9)

Did the First Christians Really Believe Jesus Had to Come Back in Their Day? (No) (Rev 6:9)

The Four Horsemen as the Repetitive Pattern of History (Rev 6:1-8)

Christ Worshiped as God in Revelation 5

The Meaning Behind the Book with Seven Seals (Rev 5:1-6)

Cherubim and Seraphim Combined in Revelation 4

The Cherubim are the Priests of the Animal Kingdom (Revelation 4)

Making the Book of Revelation Easy: The Mt Sinai Formula and the Heavenly Ocean (Rev 4:5-6)

The 24 Elders are the Divine Council (The Angelic Church Will Join the Council)

Why Are Precious Stones and Noah's Rainbow at God's Throne? (Rev 4:1-3)

The Rapture IS NOT Taught in Rev 4:1 (The Real Reason the Word 'Church' is Missing)

Have Archaeologists Debunked the Lukewarm Water Theory at Laodicea? (Rev 3:14-22)

The Church Faces the 'Synagogue of Satan' at Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-13)

Revelation 11 DOES NOT Predict a Rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem (What the 'Prophecy Experts' Get Wrong)

The Rapture IS NOT taught in Revelation 3:10! (A Different Solution for Avoiding God's Wrath)

When Jesus Comes Like a Thief Several Times - The Address to Sardis (Rev 3:1-6)

What Did Jezebel Teach? Christ's Address to Thyatira (Rev 2:18-29)

Christ Addresses Bad Eating and Fornication at Pergamum (Rev 2:12-17)

World's Oldest Christian Inscription Found at Smyrna, Christ Addresses the Smyrnaeans (Rev 2:8-11)

What Does It Mean to 'Lose Your First Love'? Christ Addresses Ephesus (Rev 2:1-7)

Who Are the Seven Angels of the Churches? Are You an Angel? (Rev 1:16-20)

Jesus has a (Thracian) Sword in his Mouth and Keys in His Hand (Rev 1: 16-18)