Все публикации

David Kubicka: The Peculiar Role of Supports in the Hydrogenation of Biomass-Derived Oxygenates

Xavier Gonze: Electron-Phonon Interaction: Band-Gap Renormalization & Polaron Models

Greg Rohrer: Modifying SrTiO3 Surfaces to Maximize Photochemical Water Splitting

Daniel Boese: Intermolecular Interactions: Surfaces, Molecules, and Molecular Crystals

Kieron Burke: Electronic Structure Calculation: Past, Present, and Future

Mariana Rossi: Weakly Bound Materials: Competing Energy Scales, Quantum Effects, & Machine Learning

Julia Stähler: How hybrid excitons suppress charge separation: ultrafast, but delayed

Alberto Tampieri: Combustion Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Spinel Oxides

Mira Todorova: Insights into electrochemical solid/liquid interfaces under potential control

Edvin Lundgren: Surface-Sensitive Studies of the Electrolyte-Electrode Interface

Gianfranco Pacchioni: A Few Questions About Single Atom Catalysts: When Theory Helps

KinderTUni 2023: Workshop 'Was ist Energie?'

Thomas Pock: Total Variation for Image Processing

Kristian Sommer Thygesen (DTU): Data-Driven Materials Design

Andreas Grüneis: Chemical accuracy for complex oxides

Michail Stamatakis: Complexity in Heterogeneous Catalysis and Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation

Alessandro Fortunelli: Mechanisms of the Oxygen Evolution Reaction on NiFe2O4 and CoFe2O4

Nuria Lopez: Dynamic Metal Charge States in Single Atom Catalysis

Marialore Sulpizi: Structure and dynamics of solid/liquid interfaces from atomistic simulations

Ferdi Schüth: Mechanochemical and Mechanocatalytic Reactions in Ball Mills – from Voodoo to Science

Patrick Rinke: Active Materials Exploration and Characterization with Bayesian Optimization

Michele Reticcioli: Competing electronic states emerging on polar surfaces (NatCommun)

Anna Regoutz: Recent Developments in Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Theory

Mie Andersen: Data-efficient & physics-inspired machine-learning models for catalysis modelling