Все публикации

Lecture 39: Review II

Lecture 38: Review I

Lecture 37: Advanced Topics II (P vs NP)

Lecture 36: Advanced Topics I: Linear Programming and Random Projections

[Walkthrough] Homework 10: Fun with MSTs, Flows, and Cuts

Lecture 35: Deferred Acceptance Matching Algorithm

Lecture 34: Max Flow, Minimum Cuts II

Lecture 33: Minimum s-t cut and Maximum Flow

[Walkthrough] Homework 9: Fun with Greedy

Lecture 32: Kruskal's Algorithm

Lecture 31: Minimal Spanning Trees

Lecture 29: Quiz Review Part II

Lecture 30: Scheduling and Huffman Coding

[Walkthrough] Homework 8: Fun with Dynamic Programming

Lecture 29: Quiz Review

Lecture 28: Activity Selection and Scheduling

Lecture 27: Dynamic Programming V

[Walkthrough] Homework 7: More Fun with Graphs and Dynamic Programming

Lecture 26: Dynamic Programming IV - LCS and Unbounded Knapsack

Lecture 25: Dynamic Programming III

Lecture 24: Dynamic Programming II with Floyd-Warshall

Lecture 23: Bellman Ford

[Walkthrough] Homework 6: Fun with Graphs

Lecture 21: Dijkstra's Algorithm