Все публикации

Trying different snacks in Japan🇯🇵

Japanese Temples VS Indian Temples #japan #india


Buy in Japanese | Samurai Temple Sword #insidejapan #japantravel

A Message for Students learning Japanese language in India | JLPT students guide

Episode of my life in learning journey | guide for students for learning

Vegetarian in Japan | Why japanese people so slim and healthy

Message for Students | Thank you for your wishes for Teacher's Day

Side effects of living in Japan #indianinjapan

Omikuji: Japanese fortune teller culture

Money How much we make in Part-time Job in Japan

What is OMIKUJI | Jinja tour with Japanese Friend | Japanese Omikuji culture

Night shift in Japan Part-time 🐢

Bullet Train Travel | Cycling event in Hiroshima with friends and Having RAMEN

JLPT N1 level Result | How i Managed to clear the most difficult exam 🌟

Japanese people are shy? @MonkeyxMagic

Fireworks at night Japan #japantravel

Festival night moods Japan travel

Festival Day In Japan 🗾

Obon Festival in Japan | Summer festival of Japan

Osafune Summer festival Volunteer program

We had a lovely day in Jinja, Ushimado! #JapanTravel #BeautifulDay