Все публикации

No is a redirection

Post 74 - Alison Wilde and excellence, activism and inclusion

Whiteboard soirée 2024 - the event

Thank you for sharing 2024 with me

Whiteboard soirée 2024

Post 72 - Preparing a submission to transfer your PhD enrolment

Museums and popular culture

Pondering the Postdoc

The best bookshop in the world

Post 70 - Michael Polanyi and Tacit Knowing

How do we know that we have made contact with reality? By Michael Polanyi

'We can know more than we can tell' Michael Polanyi

Digital Dieting: Ashgate books that have change the field

Creative Research / Courageous Research: Building Mattering Maps and Meaningful Knowledge.

Why do organizations fail?

Baudrillard ''All things are curves'

Being a writer - from Anne Lamott

Alison Jane Hunter MCR

Making research matter: Research dissemination in volatile times

Porous Learning: Multimodality for the multiversity

We think backwards, but live forward.

Change. Progress. Technology.

Post 56 - Mirror Moment

Post 55 - (post)end