Все публикации

The Great American Eclipse in Martinsville, Illinois.

Bio-inspired materials with optimized stress distribution properties could help heal broken bones.

Raw movies - electron videography

Molecular Electron Videography

A stretchable wired sensor stays affixed to rapidly growing grass.

Atom level model of HK97 virus capsid packed with DNA

DNA packed into a virus capsid

A new temperature responsive composite material

Preserving the sound of the Altgeld Chimes

Researchers reveal real-time glimpse into growth habits of nanoparticles

Logan-Wolynes theory: predicting energy transfer in a chlorophyll model

Click beetle-inspired jumping robot developed at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Remote control electronic biobots

People of the Ecotone

Building the model of our galaxy’s black hole

Digital synthesis with multiple materials

Synthetic morphogenesis of polymide membranes.

Mantis shrimp-inspired camera provides second opinion during cancer surgery

Strike-slip fault generated tsunami model

Tsunami generation by strike slip fault motion within a bay

Puma feeding on fawn

Latch, load and release: Elastic motion makes click beetles click.

Octopus-inspired thin tissue transfer

Sounds of Megatibicen dorsatus, the giant grassland cicada