Все публикации

Find the common factors of the following numbers

Simplification by VBODMAS rules

Write the following numbers in words

Round off each of the following numbers to the nearest ten

Find the values of the unknown x and y in the diagrams

Subtract the following numbers

Subtract the following fractions

Express as Km using decimals

Arrange the following fractions in ascending and descending order

A sum of Rs 4000 is lent for 5 years at the rate of 15% per annum

Find the average of first six even number and odd numbers

Divide the following numbers by simple way

Simplify the following exponent

Find the value of unknown x in the following diagrams

Divide the following fractions

Simplify the following fractions

Write the following numbers in short form

Write the following numbers in Expanded form

Using laws of exponent simplify and write the answer in

What fraction of clockwise revolution does the hour hand of a clock turn

Write the following numbers in words

Classification of angles | Acute angle, Right angle, Obtuse angle, reflex angle

Identify which of the following pairs of angle are complimentary and supplementary