Все публикации

Building a Dapper CRUD API with generic repository from scratch

Auth guard in Angular with .NET Identity and Refresh tokens

How to Implement Soft Delete in EF Core

How to send an email in .NET (gmail/SMTP)

How to setup CORS in .NET Web API

Stored Procedures with Entity Framework Core in .NET 8

How to EASILY read and create CSV Files in .NET

.NET 8 Angular Authentication with Identity and Refresh Tokens

EF Core Relationships (one to one, one to many and many to many)

Web scraping in .NET

Docker Compose with .NET 8, React, and MSSQL

.NET logging to database - Serilog

React .NET 8 Web Api Pagination

CRUD with React, Typescript & .NET 8 Web API, EF Core, SQLite

Options pattern in .NET 8 Web Api + Validation

Unit testing in .NET - mocking data using Moq

API Versioning in .NET Web Api - Separated Controllers

Polly in .NET - Retry Policy

Exception middleware in .NET 7

Using Hangfire to manage the jobs in .NET

Azure App Configuration in .NET 7

How to create the job using Quartz.NET and set up Entity Framework Core

How to hash password in .NET 7

Password validation in .NET 7