Все публикации

Kubernetes volumes in 60 seconds

How AKS upgrades work without downtime ?

AKS Patching and Node Pool Upgrade Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) explained in plain English

Taints, Tolerations, NodeSelector in AKS (Azure Kubernetes Services) explained in plain English

Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) Node Pools explained in plain English

Scaling an AKS (Azure Kubernetes Services) cluster explained in plain English

AKS Integration with Azure AD explained in plain English - Azure RBAC, Kubernetes RBAC, Kubeconfig

AKS Persistent Volumes, Persistent Volume Claims and Storage Classes explained in plain English

AKS Storage - Volumes Explained in plain english in less than 5 minutes

Azure CNI networking explained in plain English in less than 5 minutes-azure kubernetes services-AKS

AKS Kubenet networking explained in plain English - in less than 5 minutes

Kubernetes Deployments explained in plain English in less than 10 min-K8s in plain English series #3

Replica Sets explained in plain English (with step by step demo/labs) Kubernetes in plain English #2

Kubernetes Pods explained in plain English - with Phippy and friends (with step by step demo/labs)

Azure Managed Identities - explained in plain English in 5 mins with a step by step demo

Azure Routing explained in plain English with a story in 10 mins-User Defined Routes, Route priority

Valet Key Pattern explained in plain English (Cloud and Distributed Systems Design Pattern -Part 1)

Azure Private Endpoint & Private Link explained in plain English with a story & demo in 5 minutes

Windows Virtual Desktop Technical architecture explained in plain english with a story (Azure WVD)

Azure Virtual Network Service Endpoints - explained in plain English with a story and demo

Azure Front Door explained in plain english

Bitcoin - Explained in less than 5 minutes #LessThan5Min

Azure Serverless Computing - Explained in less than 5 minutes (with demo)

Azure Network Security Groups Explained in less than 5 minutes