Все публикации

III Jornada de Transferencia de Conocimiento de proyectos de AEIs

I Jornada de Difusión de proyectos AEIs 2022

20220112 EAAC Standardisation Policy

20211214 EAAC Energy-intensive industries: Disruptions and Transition Pathway

20211208 EAAC Sustainable Bioeconomy Models

20211124 EAAC Critical Raw Materials: EU Strategic Dependencies and Capacities

20211109 EAAC Current Shortages of Chips and Microelectronics

20211027 EAAC Current Shortages in Supply Chains, especially for Wood

20211019 LCBA Emerging green market opportunities in the Americas

20211013 EAAC Presentation of clusters interested in EUROCLUSTERS call

20211006 EAAC - Joint Cluster Initiatives: Call for New Collaboration networks at EU Level

20210929 EAAC Cross-cutting industrial ecosystem: Wood & Furniture

20210922 EAAC Key takeaways from the State of the Union address 2021

20210915 EAAC Smart Mapping of Resources in the Fight Against Pandemics

20210908 EAAC Contributions of the European Clusters Alliance to EU industrial policies

20210722 EAAC Research and innovation for repurpose manufacturing

20210720 EAAC An Approach to the Transition Pathway for the Energy-intensive Industries

20210715 EAAC Clusters and the EEN: Collaboration in Smart Mobility

20210713 EAAC Lithuanian Cluster Policy and Landscape

20210708 EAAC Knowledge as a strategic asset for competition ​in the post-pandemic era

20210701 EAAC Romanian cluster landscape

20210706 EAAC Discussion on Transition Pathways

20210629 EAAC Collaboration of Clusters and EEN in the tourism ecosystem

20210624 EAAC Cluster policy in Germany