Все публикации

French Peer Mentoring Program (C'est la vie universitaire!) | The University of Melbourne

Initiative for Peacebuilding

Disability, Diversity and Inclusion Initative

History, Memory and Decolonial Futures Research Collective

Australian Welfare and Work Lab

Critical Ethnography Lab

Global Korea Research Hub

Research Hub for Language in Forensic Evidence

Research Initiative on Post Soviet Space

Who is Afraid of A.I.?

Universities and the rise of AI - Part 4: Should language experts fear the machines?

A reflection on Palestine, Australian media and who gets to shape the story

The work of literature in an age of political polarisation

Universities and the rise of AI - Part 3: Risks and opportunities

Panel yarn exploring the intersections of Aboriginality and disability in Higher education

Universities and the rise of AI - Part 2: A peek into large language models

Universities and the rise of AI - Part 1: Ethical quandaries

Don’t read this: AI and the end of human literacy

Disability: Not an illness, not something to fix?

“Culture Legacy and the Right to Know” with Prof Robyn Sloggett

Discover the Philosophy major

Discover the History and Philosophy of Science major

Discover the Screen and Cultural Studies major

Discover the Hebrew and Jewish Studies major