Все публикации

ADLEY, NiKO, and NAVY diving into the pool!!

HAViNG A BAD HAiR DAY?! Adley's got the perfect solution!!

LUCKY ADLEY won a GiANT ball at a Claw Game!!

Adley is VERY LUCKY at Skeeball!! ONE shot 10000 points!!

Adley and Niko play KEEPY UPPY with a PLASTiC BAG and a LEAF BLOWER!!

before SKATiNG with ADLEY i skated with Skullcandy!! Backyard bowl jam with Friends & Fingerboards

ONE MORE!! TBT when Adley KEPT ASKiNG to blow the candles AGAiN AND AGAiN!!

DAD PRANKS Adley, Niko and Navey with a Q-TiP LAUNCHER!!

HAViNG A DELiCiOUS breakfast in the pool with ADLEY, NiKO, NAVEY and the whole fam!! fun family time

MEGA PIGGYBACK RIDE with Adley Niko and Navey!!

Navey and Mom GOT SLiMED!! Slow-motion slime

FiRST TRY!! Niko successfully flips a bottle on his first try!!

Adley goes to the AMERiCAN GiRL STORE in NEW YORK CiTY!!


NiKO gets WRECKED by water!! funny moment with Niko during family vacation

Adley and Niko's GRAFFiTi ART!! playing with spray paint

found an iMPROViSED SKATE PARK for our fingerboards!!

ADLEY'S CRAZY bungie cord trampoline TRiCKS!!

DiD YOU SEE THAT?! wild parrots EVERYWHERE!!

PLAY THAT BACK IN SLOW-MOTION!! Niko's awesome fingerboard trick!!

HAViNG FUN iN THE POOL!! Adley, Niko, and Navy on family vacation

ADLEY celebrates DAD's BiRTHDAY with CRAZY bungie cord trampoline tricks!!

ADLEY LEARNED to do FRONT FLiPS!! having fun with Adley, Niko and Navey on family vacations!!

ADLEY from 0 to 9!! can't believe SHE'S 9 YEARS OLD ALREADY!!