Все публикации

String Theory 4 | Laying Down the Quantum Groundwork for String Theory

Quantum Field Theory Made Easier 4 | Picturing Quantum Symmetries!

String Theory 3 | Bringing Momentum and Energy into Light-Cone Coordinates

String Theory 2 | Understanding Light-Cone Coordinates

Statistical Field Theory 9 | An Introduction to Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

String Theory 1 | An Epic Tour of String Theory!!

Quantum Field Theory Made Easier 3 | A Derivation of Klein Gordon Operators

Quantum Field Theory Made Easier 2 | Klein-Gordon Solutions

Quantum Field Theory Made Easier 1 | Starting With My References and the KG Boi

Chern Simons Theory 9 | A New Kind of Topological Invariant (Free Version)

Math & Physics Animation 4 | Dealing with LaTeX in an Efficient Way!

Math & Physics Animation 3 | Indicating, Rotating, and Updating Objects

Math & Physics Animation 2 | Manim Basics: Mobjects and Moving Stuff

Addressing The Question

Math & Physics Animation 1 | Introduction Video!

Statistical Field Theory 9 | The Curious Analogy Between SFT and QFT 🤔 (On Me!)

Physical Chemistry 3 | Deriving Heisenberg from Schrödinger

Chern Simons Theory 8 | What Really is Homotopy?

Conformal Field Theory 2 | A Full Derivation of Conformal Generators (On Me!)

Statistical Field Theory 8 | The Partition Function From First Principles

Physical Chemistry 2 | Waves for Days!

Chern Simons Theory 7 | Why Topology is Actually Useful!

Conformal Field Theory 1 | Why Living in 2 Dimensions is Weird (Free Version)

Statistical Field Theory 7 | Turning the Temp Up on Things! (Free Version)