Все публикации

If 2+2=4, then God exists.

Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson on Dogma

The Story of the Blind Men and the Elephant

Get Married, or At Least Read this Book

How I Fell in Love with Thomas Aquinas

C.S. Lewis, Atheism, and the Genetic Fallacy

Is it impossible to know anything about God? Why Kant was wrong

The Roman Empire, Marcus Aurelius and Stoic Philosophy

My Gay Father in Law

Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson on the Bible

Jordan Peterson, C.S. Lewis, and the “Wishful Thinking” Objection

The Ethics of Abortion on the Classical Theism Podcast with John DeRosa

Debating abortion with pro-choice grad students and professors

Mere Fidelity Podcast on Jordan Peterson, God, & Christianity final

Fireside Chat with Fr. Denk about Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson, 'Is Christianity Wishful Thinking?' at 36:04

After Birth Abortion by Giubilini and Minerva

Does the Catholic Church Oppose Science?

Aristotle View of Friendship Applied to Marriage

Levels of Happiness

Does Evil Disprove God’s Existence?

Can we know that God is love through reason?

Can God Make a Rock He Cannot Lift? Can God Destroy Himself?

Does God (the Uncaused Cause) have a will?