Все публикации

'Caribou River' Timo Gross, Kulturrampe Krefeld, Tour 2016

'Nacht der Gitarre' 'Before You Accuse Me' Ralph Brauner und Timo Gross, (Eric Clapton Cover)

Der Raum als Bandmitglied - Der Einfluss des Raums auf Deine Performance

Der Einfluss des Raums auf Deine musikalische Performance

Blues Night Session Mannheim, Ella & Louis, Teaser

Höfner (Hofner) Verythin limited contemporary 2015

Höfner (Hofner) Verythin Teaser

Timo Gross with Adax Dörsam and his Hopf Saturn 63

Let the magic happen - Der Mindset für den geilen Gig

Timo Gross, 'One of a Kind', Guitar Tutorial

Goldsparkle Stratocaster- A partscaster between Strat and Tele with neck binding and inlays

Gold sparkle Stratocaster with tele neck and inlays and bindings

Wie erkennt man den Chibson Fake - no Gibson at all!

telecaster talk main guitar for 'black dawg bone'

'Black Dawg Bone' Trailer - New Album

Night of guitars - Some kind of Wonderful

'Nacht der Gitarre' - Walk on (feat. Timo Gross und Ralph Brauner) 4K

Timo Gross -Grossroads - Telecaster Talk Die Ebaycaster 4K

'Nacht der Gitarre' - Delia (feat. Timo Gross, Ignaz Netzer, Ralph Brauner)

Where did you sleep by Leadbelly Calls (Timo Gross & Adax Dörsam) @Ella & Louis

Gallis Pole by Leadbelly Calls (Timo Gross & Adax Dörsam) @Finkenbach

Desire - Timo Gross

The Desert - by Timo Gross

Timo Gross Band - Driftin´Blues