Все публикации

Moon inception

what it would look like inside a mirrored cylinder (that slowly shrinks)

Inside a Cylindrical Mirror

What would it Look like with all the planets between the earth and the moon?

My 2017 Eclipse Experience

how to safely view the sun or an eclipse, and photograph it


binary randomness and the monty hall problem

How to photograph the Sun

A visit from Saturn: What if Saturn flew past the Earth

Rocket Man Sir Elton John (HQ)

what if the Banana was the same distance as the ISS

yeti dynamics 1985 logo video intro

If the Moon were at the same distance as the ISS

how much the US national debt grows each day in gold bars

If the Moon were replaced with some of our planets (at night) 4k

If the Moon were replaced with some of our planets

Space is big, We are tiny: Size comparision of the planets

Gravity Field of the Moon overlaid with terrain map

National Debt: 16 trillion visualized (with short lecture to the irresponsible)