Все публикации

End-to-end ML model using ChatGPT!

Image Classification Model from Scratch using PyTorch and Python

Deploy deep learning TensorFlow app using docker and play with Docker

Data preprocessing using sklearn: SimpleImputer, KNNImputer, IterativeImputer

Shoes Brand detection app using Python, TensorFlow and Flask

Machine Learning app using FastAPI and Jinja2| complete NLP app

Data Analysis project using python, pandas and matplotlib- EDA project

Scrap YouTube titles, views and thumbnails using Selenium and Python

Emotion Detection from Text using Neural Networks and TensorFlow

Heart Disease Prediction using Machine Learning and Streamlit

Scrap tables EASILY from a webpage using pandas

Data Science Project using Streamlit: EDA project of world population

Fake News Detection using Python and machine learning

What is Classification, classification in machine learning

what is Regression in machine learning ? regression in supervised learning

Introduction to Machine Learning

Customer Segmentation using K-prototypes in Python