Все публикации

Screw cardio, do this instead...

Losing weight as a busy dad is EASY... if you stick to these 3 Strategies

The No B.S. Guide to Crushing Your Dadbod As a Busy Father

Why your sleep SUCKS

How to Get & STAY in Amazing Shape while Entering Fatherhood

The ONE habit to NEVER skip when stress hits the fan…

How to grow old Fat & Frail Fast... after 35

The LAST DIET ADVICE you’ll ever need to ditch your Dadbod

How I stopped being too busy for fitness...

5 Calisthenics Sins Killing your Progress

Injury-proof your Calisthenics & Build more Muscle

Why Perfect-form Calisthenics is the Elixir for a Youthful body

How to Unlock Your Best Body After 40

How to Beat Your 40s Fitness Slump

How to Keep on Training After Becoming a Dad (& Why)

My favorite bodyweight training splits for busy dads

This is why you will never get in shape

Why you MUST start Calisthenics after 40

How to Stay Consistent with Training Stressful times

How to Boost your Testosterone Naturally After 40 (Start here)

NEW STUDY REVEALS: The best way to build muscle without breaking the time bank

Ultimate Guide: Strength-training For Tired Busy Dads

Watch this if you’ve let yourself go after becoming a dad...

This is Why is Fitness ADHD Ruining Your Progress? (Especially if you're Lacking Time & Energy)