Все публикации

Gradient#divergence#curl#contravariant Vector # covariant Vector #mathematics #tensoranalysi

Ricci Lemma #Formula ofDifferentiation of Mixed Tensor #kronckerdelta #conjugatetensor #covariant

Formula ofDifferentiation of Mixed Tensor #covariant Vector #tensor #mathematics #metrictensor #

Differentiation of covariant Vector #tensor #mathematics #metrictensor #tensoranalysis

law of transformation of Christoffel symbols #transitive Property #group Property #

covariant differentiation of covariant Vector#differential #tensoranalysis #mathematics

Covariant differentiation of Contra Variant Vector #tensor#mathematics

transformation law of Christoffel symbols# not tensors #affine connection

Christoffel symbols of II kind are not tensors

Independent components in Christoffel symbols

second order partial derivative in Christoffel symbols

#Christoffelsymbols, General Relativity, tensors, Einstein's theory, differential geometry,

Christoffel symbols, differential geometry, tensor calculus, general relativity, mathematical

Christoffel Symnols of First and second kind. propertiesAffineconnection

Hyper surface#angle between two vectors#tensoranalysis #mathematics #metrictensor #physics

#TensorMath, #Cartesian to #Spherical, #Spherical #Mathematics,#Tensors in university France

#cartesian #sphericalform, #MSCmathematics, #step by step,#tensors in university France

angle between two vectors #sine formula#cosine formula #maths #tensor #metrictensor

orthogonality conditionof contravariantVector#unitcovariantVector#angle between two vectors #

unitcontravariantVector#unitcovariantVector#angle between two vectors #tensor #maths

angle betweentwocontravariant vectors #tensoranalysis #maths #tensor

Magnitude of covariant Vector angle between two vectors #tensoranalysis #maths #tensor

Magnitude of contravariant Vector angle between two vectors #tensoranalysis #maths #tensor

Conjugate tensor |Reciprocal tensor |SymmetricTensor |tensor |tensoranalysis.