Все публикации

Machine Shop-Lathe: Types|MachiningProcesses|Parts|Specification|Mechanism|CuttingTool||CuttingFluid

Numerical Analysis in MATLAB- 3B|| TDMA||Iterative Methods

Foundry Shop-2: Foundry Tools|| Types of Furnaces|| Casting Defects

Foundry Shop-1||Types of Castings||Types ofPattern||Pattern Allowances||Types of Sand & Properties

Numerical Analysis in MATLAB-3A||Gauss Elimination Method of Solving Linear Algebraic Equations

Numerical Analysis in MATLAB- 2: Numerical Integration

Carpentry Shop-2: Carpentry Tools||Safety


Carpentry- 1: Classification of Timber & Wood||Seasoning

Matlab Basic-3: Script File||Function File

MATLAB Basic- 2: Loops||Conditional Statements||Contour plot||Mechanical Engineering Applications

Welding- 2: Electroslag & Thermit Welding||Solid State Welding||Soldering & Brazing||Welding Defects

MATLAB Basic -1: Basic Operations||Graph plot||Problem Solving in Live Script

Welding Processes-I : Types of welding||SMAW||MIG||TIG|| Gas Welding||

Derivation of Heat Conduction Equation in Cartesian, Cylindrical & Spherical Coordinate System

Deployment Neural Network Model- Flower Identification App

Stress Strain Diagram Plot in Excel

Deployment of ML App-Iris Flower Species Prediction

Deep Learning in Python-2: ANN & CNN Coding

Deep Learning in Python-1: Neural Network

Numerical Problems on Tensile Test, Hardness & Generalized Hooke's Law

Machine Learning in Python-8: K-MeansClustering, HyperparameterTuning, Pipeline, PCA, FeatureScaling

Machine Learning in Python-7: Naive Bayes Classifier

Bending Test