Все публикации

Best clips from the KRU vs 100T champions decider #vct

This is the life of every cypher main 😂 #valorant #valorantclips #gaming #shorts #fyp #foryou

Keeoh gets a sneak peek on the new Valorant agent #shorts #valorantshorts #valorant

Asuna discovers some brand new raze tech #shorts #valorantshorts

Shahzam pulls off the most random clutch 😂 #shorts #valorantshorts

Stewie2k gets scammed out of a knife kill #shorts #valorantshorts

Shahzam gets the cleanest ACE on jett #shorts #valorantshorts

Someone in chat asks Sinatraa out for coffee 😂 #shorts #valorantshorts

TCK10 runs into the most UNLUCKY lag spike 😂 #shorts #valorantshorts

Stewie2k whiffs just like the rest of us 😂 #shorts #valorantshorts

Derke hits the luckiest shot EVER 😂 #shorts #valorantshorts

There was an argument at LAN 😂 #valorantclip # #valorantshorts

The Deadlock ults make the players kiss 😂 #shorts #valorantshorts

ShahZam shows that precise gunplay doesn't exist in Valorant #shorts #valorant

TenZ and Raze cannot stop getting in each other's way 😂 #shorts #valorant

AverageJonas comes up with the most BROKEN lineup for Deadlock #shorts #valorantshorts

Tarik jinxed himself so hard here 😂 #shorts #valorantshorts

100T Derrek gets a clean ace with the new agent (Deadlock) #shorts #valorantshorts #valorant

iiTzTimmy hits the CLEANEST clip with the new Sheriff skin #shorts #valorantshorts #valorant

Wardell shoots this Jett mid dash 😂 #shorts #valorantshorts #valorant

FNC Chronicle was laughing in EG Demon1's face #shorts #valorantshorts #valorant

Grimm had 0 chance against this Gekko tech #shorts #valorantshorts #valorant

EG Demon1 hits the craziest flick with jett knives #shorts #valorantshorts #valorant

Liquid nAts hits the cleanest 4k of the tournament #shorts #valorantshorts #valorant