Все публикации

February 19 The One Year Bible KJV

Pray for Ukraine and Russia

Goodwill Donation Receiver Cool Job

Thank You Lord!!!!! Woo hoo 🎉 Jesus is Anazing

Pray for the Dying: Idea from Carmelite Nuns though I am NOT Catholic

Crazy Person No Have Car: A Discussion

Many Fun Ways to Divide Life Stages

God Will Still Water the Seeds you Plant though There Be Antichrists among You

Apartment Neighbors in the End Times: My Story

(Mostly) Christian Books that are Pure Awesome

Remembering Brother Curtis Smale and Merry Christmas

Yes, Your Substitute Teacher is a Weirdo

GOD Makes the Best Stuff Take 2 Rainbow Song 4 Rock Heads

God Makes the Best Things Rock Addict Rainbow Song

Linguistic Observation

Megalomaniac Child Abuser Steven Anderson's Followers Know he is Guilty

High Schoolers Why do I Still Love you so Much

Have No Pity for Child Abuser Zsuzsanna Anderson

Called to be a Warrior of Prayer and Love in Truth

Feeling Bad for Sin is Not Proof we are Saved

Only Evidence and Fruit of Salvation is Simple Faith in Jesus Christ

Followers of Child Abuser Steven Anderson are Cowardly Lovers of Entertainment Rather than God.

Reach the 144,000 Jewish Evangelists (God Willing)

You are Sowing Millions of Seeds- Your Light Shines Brighter and Brighter