Все публикации

The RAVEN, a good capellan mech. Eventually. | BattleTech lore

Necromo Nightmare - BattleTech's Creepiest Horror Experience

How to FIX the Battlestar Pegasus, by breaking it first

Why the shadowcat is one of the best clan mechs ever designed.

The locust explained. Made of paper and powered by dreams

The Bushwacker, a unique mech with a heart of clan engineering

Why I think the Battle over Coruscant is the perfect space battle

Shields, the different archetypes and how they work.

The ABSURD flying mechs that BattleTech forgot

VALKYRIE CLASS | The forgotten little Battlestar that could(n't)

Ghost stories and monsters of the inner sphere | Battletech Lore

How the Cylon Raider has Evolved over the years

A guide to how YOU can become a successful space pirate

DROP PODS | The craziest way possible to get into the fight

WARSHIPS | The forgotten titans of BattleTech

Why are mercenary armies are so rare in Sci-Fi?

Why use ships when you have the stargates?

ARTEMIS BATTLESTAR | A revolutionary but flawed ship

The Pegasus Problem & why the ship was a mistake | Battlestar galactica

Why put your ships hangars on the outside? | Science fiction explored

COLONIAL RAPTORS | The gun brick & battle taxi of the colonies | Battlestar Galactica Lore

Why nukes in Sci-Fi are awesome & how they work. Join the cult of the bomb.

The different types & classes of superweapons in Sci-Fi

NOVA CLASS BATTLESTAR | The greatest colonial warship ever built | Battlestar galactica lore